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SWAN Post-Permanency Video

Diakon/FDR’s video about SWAN Post-Permanency services features families sharing their stories about how the services impacted their lives.  This video is available on the SWAN prime contract website at http://www.diakon-swan.org/postpermanency/ at the bottom of the page.

The video will help families learn more about SWAN Post-Permanency services. Affiliates can use the video to highlight services available throughout the permanency process, including during resource family training.

The video is the collaborative effort of Diakon/FDR and JPL Creative, a full-service, innovative marketing agency.  Using stories from families who received the services, viewers learn about all of the SWAN services available, which are case assessment, case advocacy, respite and support group.


Published: Aug. 27, 2015

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family permanency SWAN training

Article Links

  1. http://www.diakon-swan.org/postpermanency/