Resource Family Services

The SWAN prime contractor supports families in many ways:
- Works directly with families
- Helps to identify foster care and adoption agencies
- Recommends appropriate websites for more adoption and permanency related information
- Relays detailed information about waiting children at through the SWAN Seamless System
- Talks with resource families after they adopt as they adjust to being new families
- Registers families and children in a statewide database
- Works to match waiting children with registered resource families
- Manages the Resource Family Registry required by Act 160 of 2004
- Helps adoptees search for information about their birth families
- Delivers after adoption supports and after other permanency status to families to help them work through difficulties as they arise
By the time children reach our door they are full of potential but carry many of the traumas of their past. We work with families in many ways to ease that trauma and help children move forward with their lives.
- Seek to link our adoptive families and families providing other permanency with adoption/permanency competent mental health therapists
- With offices in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh provides the information and advocacy families need to assure educational success