We change the world, one child at a time.
If you have a legal inquiry, question or concern for the Warmline, please contact the LSI office at 888-793-2512 or by email: lsiwarmline@diakon-swan.org.
After LSI staff reviews the legal questions they receive, they:
In 2003, the LSI began answering all legal inquiries about permanency received by the SWAN network. LSI initiated a legal “Warmline” to investigate and respond by phone or email to those questions. Later that year, the SWAN LSI Warmline also began receiving all adoption search related calls. The SWAN LSI staff assists individuals by directing them to resources where they can access information about their biological roots or contact with a birth family member.
Please note: Depending on the nature of the inquiry, response times will vary. LSI Warmline provides information, not legal advice. LSI staff does not provide adoption search and reunification services.