We change the world, one child at a time.


Matching Reception Provides Service and Encouragement to Families

By Alfredo Gonzalez, PAE Coordinator

Something special took place at the SWAN Summer Matching Reception held in conjunction with the Annual Pennsylvania Permanency Conference on June 18, 2024 at the Kalahari Resort. Coordinated by the Pennsylvania Adoption Exchange (PAE), the event was attended by more than 200 people from across the Commonwealth, including 16 families, 66 SWAN affiliate agencies, representatives from OCYF, county children and youth staff and more. The positive energy and active collaboration was evident. For a “visual tour” of the matching reception, be sure to scroll to the end.

There are hundreds of youth registered with PAE who are at various stages on the road to permanency.  Matching events like this one connect families seeking to provide children with permanency to caseworkers seeking families for the children on their caseloads. A matching event can feel strange and overwhelming to a family that is new to the process, so PAE’s goal is to help them feel welcome, to provide them with helpful information, and assure they get the most from the experience.

Before the doors opened, Nic Landon, PAE coordinator, gathered representatives from all affiliate agencies and provided a heartfelt speech about focusing on the families and taking this unique time to network. “We want to tend to the families who are present. We appreciate that families have taken valuable time to travel and spend two hours to learn about what we have to share,” Nic explained. “Even if you don’t get a lot of visitors to your table, take the time to get to know the people and the professionals around you. You might make a connection for a child that day or possibly a child in the future.”

The SWAN team welcomed and registered each family and oriented them to the matching event layout, schedule and expectations. Families were given the opportunity to hear the stories of two youth and one family who shared their journeys to adoption and permanency. Sharing stories is one way for families that are still early in their permanency journey to imagine the possibilities and be encouraged by the successes of others. Photos of all active youth on the PAE website were displayed on two large screens for the families to see, while materials at each affiliate table more specifically highlighted the youth and the agencies’ services.

PAE, along with the SWAN prime contract’s Matching Committee, is always considering ways to improve the matching events and build upon successes. The positive feedback from attendees signaled that the network is continuing to work together to find permanency solutions for Pennsylvania children and families.

The next statewide matching event will be held in conjunction with the SWAN/IL Winter Statewide Meeting taking place in State College January 29-30, 2025.

Alfredo Gonzalez is a Pennsylvania Adoption Exchange coordinator with the Statewide Adoption and Permanency Network (SWAN). In his current role, Alfredo provides technical assistance focused on child and family matching to the network. He has over 25 years of experience working as a leader and advocate in education and human services and has also served as a therapeutic foster parent. He is a proud graduate of the Milton Hershey School and Temple University.


Published: Aug. 23, 2024

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adoption assistance collaboration Conference education event family foster IL PAE permanency Statewide SWAN technical technical assistance Winter Winter Statewide youth