We change the world, one child at a time.


Permanency Conference is an Annual Dose of Encouragement

We Rock Workshop performs at the opening of the 2024 Pennsylvania Permanency Conference.

The 32nd Annual Pennsylvania Permanency Conference at the Kalahari Conference Center was the place to be June 19-21, 2024 if you are in any way connected to child welfare and permanency. Families, professionals, advocates and others gathered for three days to learn, be uplifted and make friends and memories. From start to finish, the program and activities were a source of positivity and encouragement to continue to meet the needs throughout the year of children and families who are impacted by foster care.

The conference kicked off with a dynamic musical performance from the stars of Allegheny County’s We Rock Workshop followed by a welcome and recognition of the Juneteenth holiday from Teresa Musser, Office of Children, Youth and Families. The opening wrapped up with keynote presenter Dr. John DeGarmo of the Foster Care Institute who spoke on overcoming the difficulties and underlying trauma of the children served while also recognizing the strengths and sacrifices of adoptive families.

Wednesday evening, 24 individuals were honored with permanency awards at the Recognition Banquet with Laval Miller-Wilson, Deputy Secretary with the Department of Human Services, serving as the guest master of ceremonies. The awards recognize the contributions of adoptive families, advocates and professionals. Hearing the stories of commitment, resilience, passion, and joy is always a highlight of the conference week, and this year was no exception.

Another day of training sessions was capped off by Thursday’s Family Fun Night. After several years of inclement or unpredictable weather, this year’s event was warm and sunny enough to host the picnic and game stations outside on the patio. This fun evening complete with prizes was complemented by more fun at the Kalahari waterpark, which stayed open late to entertain the families.

All wonderful events must finally end, but not without smiles and laughter. Jackson Duncan, founder of Focused Athletics, and his son, Zymir, provided the perfect closing to the week with a lighthearted retelling of their permanency journey. Filled with humorous anecdotes, their real and honest storytelling was a demonstration to all that in choosing each other, their adoptive family bond endures. Last, but not least, as tradition holds, the children and youth who participated in the conference’s child care and teen programs each shared a song with the audience, providing a fitting close to an amazing week.

Next year’s Pennsylvania Permanency Conference will be held June 18-20, 2025 at the Kalahari Resort and Conference Center. Hope to see you there!


Zymir Cobbs Duncan and Jackson Duncan provide the conference closing keynote.


Published: Aug. 23, 2024

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adoptive adoptive family care Conference event family foster foster care permanency training youth

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