Articles From August 2024

  • Permanency Pro Strikes a Chord of Kindness, Humor and Skill

    David has spent most of his career working in the permanency unit and is one of the most genuine, thorough, and kind people one could have the privilege to know. To say David is beloved by colleagues and clients is no exaggeration. His heartfelt, skilled interventions have helped countless children secure permanency through reunification, adoption, or custodianship. 

    Posted on August 26th, 2024
  • SSW Presenter Calls for Youth-Led Culture of Care

    When Chauncey Strong, MSW took the stage at the opening of the 2024 SWAN/IL Summer Statewide Meeting, he issued a challenge to everyone in the room. “Whatever you believe will be right,” he said, “because you work to the level of your belief.”

    Posted on August 23rd, 2024
  • Permanency Conference is an Annual Dose of Encouragement

    The 32nd Annual Pennsylvania Permanency Conference at the Kalahari Conference Center was the place to be June 19-21, 2024 if you are in any way connected to child welfare and permanency. Families, professionals, advocates and others gathered for three days to learn, be uplifted and make friends and memories. 

    Posted on August 23rd, 2024
  • Matching Reception Provides Service and Encouragement to Families

    Something special took place at the SWAN Summer Matching Reception held in conjunction with the Annual Pennsylvania Permanency Conference on June 18, 2024 at the Kalahari Resort. Coordinated by the Pennsylvania Adoption Exchange (PAE), the event was attended by more than 200 people from across the Commonwealth, including 16 families, 66 SWAN affiliate agencies, representatives from OCYF, county children and youth staff and more.

    Posted on August 23rd, 2024