We change the world, one child at a time.


2024 LSI County Partner Survey Results

By Anthony Zammit 

The SWAN prime contractor’s Research and Quality Assurance (RQA) Division successfully deployed the 2024 SWAN LSI County Partner Survey in April 2024 to a diverse group of county staff and child welfare professionals who regularly interact with LSI paralegals (LSIPs). The purpose of the survey is to measure the effectiveness of the SWAN LSI program in achieving desired outcomes based on its perceived impact from the perspective of child welfare county partners. The survey is also intended as a tool to better understand how LSI staff are being used within county agencies and to identify potential areas for improvement. 

The overall response rate was 48% (compared to 40.1% in 2019) with109 of 226 invited participants responding. Of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties, at least one response was received from 56 counties for a county response rate of 84% (compared to 82% in 2019). Of all respondents, 71% identified themselves as either County Agency Administrators or CCYA Solicitors. The input of these individuals is considered particularly insightful as they are often the county partners working most closely with LSIPs.

Questions were administered using a four-point rating scale ranging from strongly disagree to disagree to agree to strongly agree. Some highlights include:

  • 96% of respondents either agree or strongly agree that SWAN LSI has a positive impact on locating parents and kin through diligent search. 92% agree or strongly agree that LSI has a positive impact on finding permanent resources for children.
  • 97% of respondents either agree or strongly agree that SWAN LSI paralegals promptly and properly prepare legal documents.
  • 93% of respondents either agree or strongly agree that SWAN LSI paralegal activities help to ensure the meeting of statutory guidelines as required under ASFA and 93% agree or strongly agree that LSIP activities increase the timeliness of filing petitions for termination of parental rights.
  • 98.5% of respondents either agree or strongly agree that training opportunities provided by LSI are effective and informative and 96% agree or strongly agree that the SWAN LSI Warmline is responsive to inquiries and provides guidance with permanency issues. 
  • 95% of respondents either agree or strongly agree that SWAN LSI has a positive impact on expediting permanency for children within their county.

The RQA team would like to express our sincere gratitude to all those county partners who took the time to participate in the survey and who provided their invaluable insight regarding the SWAN LSI program.


Published: Sept. 23, 2024

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  1. Anthony Zammit